Illuminating York 2015

Illuminating York

Outside Bettys and Mansion House

Having being excited for just about the whole year, I decided to trip down to the 'ole' illuminating York festival last night 30th October 2015 What a fabulous atmosphere.

Once a free event, last year it was taken over and bought by a private investor and made its first commercial debt.  Due to work and other commitments I haven't managed to get tickets and attend since it went to be a private enterprise. Friday was my first opportunity.

Wow it certainly has taken off.The cue extended from the museum gardens and carried on right around the corner into St Leonard's Place. I could hear the stewards shouting please join the cue, this is the 7pm tickets and that was at 7.20pm. Suffice to say I never did actually get in and didn't get to experience the attraction. I would be interested if any of my followers had taken any good images to post thhem on the York Priory facebook wall. Id love to see what the attraction was like. For those who may consider coming back next year, my tip for you. There is a lesson to be learned here! Book early tickets and expect to que 

On a positive note here are the images I did manage to capture of our lovely York on the evening capturing the festival fringe events

The Shambles 

The Shambles
Coppergate Glass Bauble Tree
Disco Glitter Balls

The Shambles


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